Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Kim and Patrick - 07.19.09

After having a relaxing week off to recharge our batteries it was nice to once again be out and about. This weekend we found ourselves in South Lyon, Michigan for the wedding of Kim and Patrick. This was such a cool event because the reception was held in a nice large tent on Kim's family farm. It was also our first official field test of our wireless radio triggers, which allowed us to do some pretty cool stuff with our flash once the sun began to set. You will be able to see the fruits of our labor below in their slideshow, and even a few in my favorites below. You'll be able to see all of their images HERE very soon! In the meantime enjoy the sneak peak!

1 comment:

Noelle said...

You guys have a few new tricks up your sleeve! I like the off camera lighting. Are you using a 580EX mounted? Looks good!